Epic of Gilgamesh

Based on the presentation of Gilgamesh, how would you define the concept of heroism in Sumerian culture?


How would you describe the political organization of the city of Uruk?


How are the gods described in the poem? What is their function? How do they intervene in human affairs?


In the story, it is emphasized that Gilgamesh is a demigod. Why include this emphasis of his partial divinity? How does it affect his character?


What roles do women play in the story? What do their representations suggest about the significance of women in this ancient culture?


How is nature depicted? Is the setting of the epic a safe and peaceful place, or dangerous and chaotic?


As Gilgamesh’s “equal” or “second self,” how does Enkidu represent the other side of Gilgamesh?


Why does Gilgamesh want to find immortality?


How is death regarded in the epic?


How do humans come to terms with death?


What is the purpose of this story?


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