Read: The End of Old Regimes

Key Ideas – Understanding Content

  1. This article makes a distinction between “decolonization” and the end of empires. What is that distinction?
  2. How did the Second World War contribute to the end of empires?
  3. What were some post-war global transformations that helped lead to the end of empires?
  4. What was the main instrument of those seeking independence within each colony, and why was it so useful?

Evaluating and Corroborating

  1. In this course, we generally use the term “decolonization” to mean the end of empire. But this author argues that decolonization should properly refer to the ending of all of the legacies of colonialism. What’s the difference? Do you agree with this author? Can you think of any “colonial legacies” that you have encountered in the world?
  2. There are many different ways to talk about decolonization and anti-colonial movements. How was decolonization a result of the ways that people thought about themselves as communities and how was it a result of global networks?

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