Grading and Paper Format

Paper Format 

Work should be double-spaced with one-inch margins on all sides. Use a 12-point Font in Times Roman. Center the title of the work, then double space and begin with the paper text. Follow standard rules for grammar.

Though we are learning to write like Historians, only History Majors are required to use Chicago Citation Style. If you ARE NOT A HISTORY MAJOR and choose to experiment with Chicago Style, I will not count down for errors. Please see the Chicago Manual of Style for more information.

If you are not using Chicago, all papers must be formatted using MLA. Please review the MLA Guide for information about quoting references and adding a Works Cited page on a separate sheet at the end of your paper to list source information. I will grade for correct use of style, if you choose to use MLA.

For each full page of text, your last name, and the page number should go in an upper right corner header. Example: Last Name – 2.

Grading Standards

C is the average expected performance of a college student.  To receive a C you must complete all readings and assignments on time, demonstrate a basic knowledge of the material and write clearly and competently (all assignments must be well organized and follow the rules of correct spelling and grammar).  To receive a B your work must be substantially better than average. To receive an A your work must be truly exceptional, NOT given for simply following directions.

Grades will be calculated as follows:

A    = 100% to 93%, or 4.00 B-   = 82% to 80%, or 2.67 D  = 60% to  66%, or 1.0
A-   = 92% to 90%, or 3.67 C+  = 79% to 77%, or 2.33 F  =  below 60%
B+  = 89% to 87%, or 3.33 C    = 76% to 72%, or 2.00         and receives no credit
B    = 86% to 83%, or 3.00 C-   = 72% to 70%, or 1.67

Please note that to receive a passing grade for this course, all work must be completed and handed in.  If you fail to turn in papers or projects, do not complete an assignment, or do not give a class presentation/lead discussion, you will not receive a passing grade no matter what your other grades have been throughout the course.