Week 2 (January 23/25 ): Your Digital Identity and What is the Internet?

Action Items (due by Noon on January 23):

  1. If you haven’t done so yet:
  2. Take the Discovery Survey
  3. Send a message on Slack with the address to your website. Use the #website channel to post your website address
  4. Work on creating your initial blog post on your website, responding to either of the Ray Bradbury stories (your impressions, thoughts, questions, etc.) or comparing the two.
    • Remember that your posts should include 2 discussion questions, prompts, and/or activities that relate to the blog assignment so that you can come to class prepared to speak about the readings, including about specific quotes or sections that you found especially inspiring, challenging, or surprising.
    • Post the link to your blog on Blackboard.

Class Prep (by January 23):

In-Class (January 23):

In Class (January 25):

  • Continue Activity: Rebuild the Internet
  • Discussion: Using your readings, we will practice coming together as a class to discuss the importance of cultivating a digital identity and how your approach fits (or doesn’t).  To talk about what is the internet?
    • We will draw on the various stuff we’ve read so far. Some stuff to consider: where is the internet? what is not the internet? how many internets are there? what is the internet becoming? is the internet alive? what do you love about the internet? what scares you
  • Blog Post Comments for Blog Post #1: Read a handful of posts by other folks in the class on their website and add comments or annotations.

Homework/Class Prep (due by Noon, January 30)
