Read: The End of Old Regimes Key Ideas – Understanding Content This article makes a distinction between “decolonization” and the end of empires. What is that distinction? How did the Second World War contribute to the end of empires? What were some post-war global transformations that helped lead to the endContinue Reading

Part 3 – Routes of Exchange and Consequences of Connectivity History is sometimes defined as the study of continuity and change over time. To grasp complex historical narratives, we need to understand how things change—and how they remain the same—across the centuries. Connections between different human societies have often beenContinue Reading

Purpose You have been introduced to the historical thinking skill of contextualization, and now you’ll deepen your understanding of this practice by considering the conditions that existed that allowed Mansa Musa to embark on a 3,000-mile journey in the thirteenth century. This will help you learn that context may notContinue Reading