Guiding Questions:

  1. How did the Black Death spread across Afro-Eurasia, and what were its devastating consequences on populations, economies, and social structures?
  2. Trace the potential routes through which the Black Death might have reached or bypassed Mali, considering its trade connections and geographical location.
  3. Was Mali directly affected by the Black Death, and if so, how did it impact the empire’s society, economy, and political stability?
  4. Compare and contrast the impact of the Black Death on different regions of the world.
  5. What long-term effects did the Black Death have on global societies and economies?
  6. How did the Black Death influence the development of trade networks in subsequent centuries?

Visual Representation Prompts:

  1. Create an interactive map that allows viewers to trace the spread of the Black Death along trade routes, highlighting major cities and regions affected.
  2. Design an infographic comparing the death tolls and social consequences of the Black Death in different regions, including Mali.
  3. Develop a timeline showcasing key events and developments related to the Black Death and its aftermath, including its potential impact on Mali and its trade networks.
  4. Create a visual representation that explores the concept of “ripple effects,” illustrating how a single event like the Black Death can have far-reaching consequences across the globe.
  5. Illustrate the before-and-after effects of the Black Death on a region’s economy and population.

Engagement Tips:

  1. Use one slide with “before and after” images showing how the Black Death impacted a specific region.
  2. Pose a quick “what if” question asking classmates how they think history would have changed without the Black Death.
  3. Show a single graph comparing death tolls in different regions affected by the Black Death.
  4. Share one personal story or historical fact about life during the Black Death in a short paragraph.
  5. Include a quick slide comparing the Black Death’s global effects to a modern pandemic (e.g., COVID-19).