Guiding Questions:

  1. Compare Mali with one or two of the societies we referenced in class – Song, Mongol, Aztec, and Inca, Polynesian societies (or others we touched upon) in terms of:
    • Political structures and governance
    • Economic systems and trade networks
    • Cultural achievements and artistic expressions
    • Religious beliefs and practices
    • Technological innovations
    • Interactions with other empires and civilizations
  2. What factors contributed to the rise and fall of these empires?
  3. How did each empire’s geography influence its development and interactions with others?

Visual Representation Prompts:

  1. Create a comparative chart or Venn diagram highlighting similarities and differences between Mali and the chosen empires across various aspects.
  2. Design a visual timeline comparing major events and developments in each empire during this period, highlighting any points of intersection or influence.
  3. Develop a map showcasing the geographical extent and influence of each empire, highlighting overlaps or interactions.
  4. Create a visual metaphor or analogy that captures the essence of each empire and its relationship to the global tapestry.
  5. Illustrate how geographic factors shaped the economic and political structures of each empire.

Engagement Tips:

  1. Use color-coded icons or shapes to compare Mali and 2 other empires (Song, Mongol) in one slide.
  2. Create a quick matching game where classmates match empires with their key contributions.
  3. Include a Venn diagram comparing 2 aspects (e.g., governance, trade) between Mali and another empire.
  4. Lead a short 3-minute discussion asking classmates which empire had the greatest influence and why.
  5. Show one modern parallel to trade or governance from one of the empires discussed.