Guiding Questions:

  1. How did Mali’s abundant gold resources shape its economy and trade relationships?
  2. What were the major trade routes connecting Mali to other regions, and what goods were exchanged besides gold?
  3. How did Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage to Mecca demonstrate Mali’s economic power and influence on the global stage?
  4. In what ways did Mali’s economic system compare and contrast with that of the Song Dynasty in China?
  5. What lasting impact did Mali’s gold trade have on global economies and trade networks?
  6. How did Mali’s economic practices impact its relationships with neighboring states and empires?

Visual Representation Prompts:

  1. Create a map highlighting Mali’s trade routes, showcasing the flow of gold and other commodities across regions.
  2. Design a visual timeline illustrating key events and figures involved in Mali’s gold trade, including Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage.
  3. Construct a comparative chart or infographic contrasting Mali’s economic system with that of the Song Dynasty, highlighting similarities and differences.
  4. Illustrate the concept of “silent trade” and its role in Mali’s gold trade.
  5. Develop a visual representation of the effects of Mali’s gold trade on different regions across Afro-Eurasia.

Engagement Tips:

  1. Use gold accents (like lines or symbols) in your map and timeline to visually represent Mali’s wealth.
  2. Include a simple image of a trade caravan or market in your presentation.
  3. Create a brief, interactive map where classmates can trace one trade route.
  4. Show the effects of Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage using a quick infographic.
  5. Use a simple diagram to explain how “silent trade” worked.
  6. Include one slide comparing the uses of gold in Mali and another empire.