In this course, we use what we call claim testers to help us check the soundness and strength of beliefs—our own and those of others. The four claim testers are intuition, authority, logic, and evidence.

Take some time to develop common understanding of the four claim testers:

  • Intuition – We look for intuition to test some claims. Intuition is often a gut feeling, when the support for the claim just “seems” right.
  • Authority – This is when we accept information or data from a credible or believable source.
  • Logic – Sometimes we test claims by carefully thinking about something to see if it make sense.
  • Evidence – That’s when we’re gathering up available information about the world. Remember, evidence is an interesting word because evidence comes from evident: to be able to see something.

And now let’s get to the exercise.

Part 1: I am going to provide them with a bunch of supporting statements for the claim: “There is one true history.”

Part 2: Your job will be to determine which supporting statements match which claim tester – intuition, authority, logic, and evidence.


    • Your answers above will be graded manually in Blackboard – there is no direct Blackboard link for this exercise.