Read: Race and Coerced Labor I – How did People Become Property

Key Ideas – Understanding Content

  1. What was the legal status of enslaved people of African descent in the Americas?
  2. How did this legal status impact enslaved people’s experiences?
  3. What information does the advertisement announcing the escape of an enslaved person in Jamaica give us about the person named York?
  4. How did laws and beliefs around race impact enslaved people and free people of color?
  5. What information do the articles from the French Code Noir give us about the way race worked in the French colonies in the Americas?

Evaluating and Corroborating

  1. Using the evidence in this article, write a definition of “slavery” that fits the time and place described in the article.
  2. Under the system of slavery in the Americas, what kinds of communities do you think enslaved people could form? What challenges might they have faced in forming communities?

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