Guiding Questions:

  1. What factors contributed to the flourishing of Timbuktu as a center of learning and cultural exchange?
  2. What were the key areas of study and intellectual achievements in Timbuktu?
  3. How did Timbuktu’s scholars and manuscripts contribute to the broader Islamic intellectual tradition?
  4. Compare Timbuktu’s intellectual legacy to that of other major centers of learning during this period, such as Baghdad.
  5. What is the lasting impact of Timbuktu’s intellectual and cultural contributions on the world today?
  6. How did the city’s libraries and universities affect knowledge transmission in West Africa?

Visual Representation Prompts:

  1. Create a visual representation of Timbuktu’s key institutions of learning, such as the Sankore University and its libraries.
  2. Design a “gallery” showcasing the diverse intellectual and cultural achievements of Timbuktu, including manuscripts, art, and architecture.
  3. Develop a timeline or mind map illustrating the connections between Timbuktu and other centers of learning across the Islamic world.
  4. Illustrate the role of griots in preserving Malian history and culture, and their contribution to the global tapestry of storytelling traditions.
  5. Highlight specific examples of Timbuktu’s scholarship, such as astronomical charts, medical texts, or legal documents.

Engagement Tips:

  1. Use a blue border or heading in your slides to represent Timbuktu’s cultural richness.
  2. Include one image of a key manuscript or scholar from Timbuktu with a short description.
  3. Create a quick 3-question trivia game on Timbuktu’s intellectual contributions (e.g., using Kahoot).
  4. Compare Timbuktu’s learning centers with Baghdad in a 2-column chart.
  5. Include a quick note about one modern challenge Timbuktu faces in preserving its manuscripts.