Guiding Questions:

  1. How did the adoption of Islam shape Mali’s governance, legal system, and social structure?
  2. What role did Islam play in fostering diplomatic relations between Mali and other Islamic states?
  3. How did Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage to Mecca solidify Mali’s place in the Islamic world and enhance its reputation?
  4. Compare and contrast the role of Islam in Mali with its role in the Abbasid Caliphate or other Islamic empires.
  5. What are the lasting legacies of Islam’s influence on Mali and its interactions with the wider world?
  6. How did Islam interact with traditional African beliefs in Malian society?

Visual Representation Prompts:

  1. Create a visual representation of the Five Pillars of Islam and their significance in Malian society.
  2. Design a map showcasing the spread of Islam across Africa and its connection to Mali.
  3. Develop a timeline or infographic illustrating key events and figures related to the role of Islam in Mali, including Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage.
  4. Illustrate the architectural influences of Islam on Mali.
  5. Depict the syncretism between Islam and traditional African beliefs in Malian society.

Engagement Tips:

  1. Create a 5-question quiz on Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage or the Five Pillars of Islam.
  2. Share one excerpt from Ibn Battuta’s travels, and have classmates respond with a takeaway.
  3. Write a brief journal entry (5 sentences) from a citizen during Mansa Musa’s reign.
  4. Include a short chart comparing Islamic governance in Mali to another Islamic empire (like Abbasids).
  5. Show an image of the Djinguereber Mosque with a 1-2 sentence description of its significance.
  6. Create a quick poll to ask classmates about the influence of Islam in daily Malian life.