Guiding Questions:

  1. How was Mali connected to the vast network of the Silk Road, even indirectly?
  2. What role did the Trans-Saharan trade routes play in facilitating this connection?
  3. What goods and ideas flowed between Mali and other regions along these trade networks?
  4. How did these exchanges influence Malian culture, society, and technology?
  5. What evidence suggests that Mali was part of a larger interconnected world during this period?
  6. How did trade shape Mali’s relationships with other empires and civilizations?
  7. What were the challenges and benefits of participating in long-distance trade networks?
  8. How did Mali’s position in these networks contribute to its rise as a powerful empire?

Visual Representation Prompts:

  1. Create a map illustrating Mali’s position in relation to the Silk Road and other major trade routes of the time.
  2. Design a visual representation of the goods and ideas exchanged between Mali and other regions, highlighting the cultural and technological diffusion.
  3. Develop a timeline or flowchart showcasing key events and figures involved in Mali’s connection to the Silk Road.
  4. Use symbols or images to represent the diverse cultures and commodities that intersected in Mali due to its position in global trade networks.
  5. Create a visual representation of the Trans-Saharan trade routes, highlighting the key cities and oases that facilitated trade.
  6. Illustrate the impact of trade on Malian architecture, fashion, or other aspects of material culture.

Engagement Tips:

  1. Highlight Mali’s key trade routes on a map using a few labels and arrows.
  2. Include 2-3 symbols or images representing the goods traded between Mali and other regions.
  3. Create a simple flowchart to show the path of a trade item from Mali to Asia.
  4. Show one specific way trade influenced Mali’s culture (architecture, fashion) with an image.
  5. Present 2 key challenges traders faced, using a short bullet-point list.
  6. Make a quick map with key cities and oases along the Trans-Saharan route.