Week 5: Evaluating DH | Making Sense of Evidence | Sources

  • Sign up for MIRO
  • To prep for using MIRO on Tuesday, review the websites we started in class today (including the ones we did not get to) and take brief notes on them (DO NOT POST IN MIRO – nothing fancy, just to jog your memory on Tuesday) – What topic, period, and place of history do they cover? What arguments or interpretations do they make? What is the audience for the site? What sources are they based on? Who created them, and who did what work? Who funded them? What technologies do they use?

  • Go to #history-bizarre and see what other people have proposed and comment on their ideas, remembering to thread your comments using the “start a thread” icon, which you will find by the original idea post.
  • You should consult the Organization of American Historian’s guidelines for reviewing digital history projects. In your review be sure to identify the kind of digital history project (it could be more than one type) and address the five areas outlined in the OAH review guidelines. Include screenshots and examples where appropriate to support your review.
  • Be sure to cite the project according to the Chicago Manual of Style (if you are a History or Art History major/minor) or MLA conventions for all others.

In Class (for February 13):

Finish Exercise 1: We will work together to explore the following DH projects:

Exercise 2:

In Class (February 15):