Digital Gallery Walk


Asking your peers to review and reflect on work together is a powerful formal reflection process. This peer review exercise uses the metaphor of walking around an art gallery as you view and reflect on numerous pieces of work. The peer review process outlined here is called the Gallery Walk.

The Gallery Walk creates an activity to capture written narrative reflection comments from viewers on each digital project. Viewers learn as well as provide feedback for their peers as they rotate through looking at each digital story on its own workstation screen.

All viewers are asked to leave written comments at each story station on what they found appealing and what might make the story even better.

The Gallery Walk Process

Start at “home base” reviewing and reflecting on your own digital project first!

Review each digital story for what’s appealing and what might make the story even better.

After reviewing, INDIVIDUAL reviewers make at least one note of their own for each of the Plus, Minus, and Interesting reflection columns. If you have the same comment(s) as others before you – make another note as duplicates are GOOD!

Rotate to next workstation(s) to review and comment on each project.

Wrap-Up Reflections

Return “home base” – your desk

Review and reflect on comments. Organize comments into clusters or patterns. 

Determine which feedback comments you consider useful and worth considering. Some comments might not fit, others may not be understood and a few may be off base or not “packaged” in a useful way.

Blog Post #9: Write a “what next” reflection response for the following questions: What did you hear and see in other projects that would be useful to your own next work? What did you learn from Gallery Walk comments? Out of all that you have learned, what will you do next time to improve your work?