Assignments Checklist

**This list will be adjusted as the course schedule is refined.**

Icebreaker 1/23  
Set up Domain and Install WordPress 1/23  
Discovery Survey 1/23 ­
 Post WordPress Website on Slack 1/23  
 WordPress Blog Post – Ray Bradbury.* 1/23  
 Rebuild the Internet  1/25  
WordPress Post – About Me  2/6  
WordPress Customization (rolling, first check-in on February 1)  2/6  
Post – History Bizarre  2/6  
Blog Post #1 Comments
Read a handful of posts by other folks in the class and add comments
Post – DH Project Model (Part 1) 2/6-2/13  
Blog Post #2 – Evaluating DH Projects 2/20  
Dear Reader 2/20
Exercise – From Idea to Research Question (in-class) 2/20
Workshop: Setting Up Zotero 2/20
Blog Post #2 Comments
Read a handful of posts by other folks in the class and add comments
Find five (5) primary sources from at least 3 different collections. Find two (2) secondary sources from different collections. Find (1) image (photograph, map, artwork). Upload the sources into Zotero and share your library with me ( 2/29
ThingLink. Taking the image you located in Week 5’s and 6’s homework, experiment using Thinglink’s tools. Add one citation tag and 3 other tags (url, video, etc.) and post your results on your WordPress site as a Skills Assessment 3/12
Project Proposal 3/12
HTML/CSS Skills Assessment 3/12
Blog Post #3 – write a post that reflects on your experience with coding so far, and engage in the debate within the DH community over whether or not humanities students should learn to code.  3/12
Midterm Self Reflection 3/14
Add Copyright/Creative Commons Notice 3/19
Post – Copyright 3/19
DM Professor B on Slack – Dream Team: #dream-group-instructions  3/19
Museum Assignment 3/26
CMS Items in Omeka 3/26
Blog Post #5: Start to think about Organizing Your Own Content 3/28
In class: Project design iterations (post answers on Slack #wireframe) 4/2
Free-Write: Think about your Omeka exhibit and how you want your items/metadata to contribute to your project. Explain on your WordPress site. 4/2
Final Project Outline Due 4/4
Skills Assessment: Your Omeka Exhibit 4/9
Blog Post #6: Write about your experience creating an exhibit and be sure to include a hyperlink to your Omeka exhibit (in draft form) 4/9
Skill Assessment: Embed timeline into your WordPress Site 4/16
Blog Post #7: Describe any challenges or issues that arose during the creation of your timeline and/or Google Map/Story Map. What is the added value of incorporating these types of visualizations? How can you see incorporating these into your final project? 4/16
Embed one Google Map and one StoryMap to your WordPress Skills Assessments Page You can use the data I provide in the tutorial/slides or incorporate your own research. 4/16
Blog Post #8: Write a reflective post (500 words) on the ways that geospatial visualization and analysis can change the historical questions we ask, and the ways that we understand the past. 4/23
Flourish Skills Assessment 4/23
(Optional) Blog Post #9: Write a “what next” reflection response for the following questions: What did you hear and see in other projects that would be useful to your own next work? What did you learn from Gallery Walk comments? Out of all that you have learned, what will you do next time to improve your work? 5/7