Museum Assignment (10%)

For this assignment you are required to write a critical review of an exhibition in a local gallery or museum (500-800 words). You must attend the exhibition in question at least once.* Reviews should address the exhibit’s purpose and target audience; its presentation of items, including its historical interpretation and ease of access; and its use of digital media and technology. DUE ON TUESDAY (3/26) OF WEEK 11 BY Noon.

A critical review should not simply rehash the contents of the exhibition. Rather, it is an opportunity to evaluate the argument or thesis of an exhibition and how well the exhibition makes its case.

You are encouraged to search for reviews of your chosen exhibition both in print and online media in order to consider the opinions of other critics, but your own voice and opinions should emerge clearly in your review.

Citations for this exercise must conform to the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th or 16th edition for History/Art History Majors and Minors and MLA for all others.

Your review must include:

  1. The name of the institution, the title of the exhibition, the name of the curator(s), and any other information salient to the production and presentation of the exhibition as a whole.
  2. A description of the objects/artifacts/items that comprise the exhibition and an account of their layout/presentation within the exhibition space.
  3. A description of the use of digital technology. Does it include interactives in the space? Digital media pieces? QR codes to access additional information? Etc.
  4. An analysis of the thesis/central argument and/or the historical interpretation of the exhibition. What contribution did the curator(s) hope the exhibition would make? What is its purpose? Does the exhibition offer a new interpretation of the objects or materials displayed?
  5. A discussion on who you believe the target audience is.
  6. An analysis of the challenges faced by the curator(s) or institution in the creation and realization of the exhibition. Do you think this was a difficult project to realize? What sort of choices or risks might have been involved, and what contingent factors (budget, time, loan expenses, etc.) might have affected the outcome of the exhibition?
  7. Your evaluation of the exhibition as a whole. Does the exhibition achieve its stated objectives? What questions or issues does it leave unresolved? This is not necessarily a matter of “yes” or “no.” You may conclude that the exhibition was more successful in some respects than others.

Your review will be posted on your website along with images from the exhibition and a selfie to show you were there.

*If you are unable to attend an exhibition in person, please reach out to me for an alternate assignment.
